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I just realized that by the end of this year, I will have 11 books published, maybe 12. It hit like a bird on the bumper of a Mac truck....

Over it

Not that I was social to begin with but being told that the only place I can go is work. Come on!! I need to go to haunted houses and...


I normally get excited when I am uploading a book. For some reason, this time it's a little more. Maybe because it has a release date...

Working on books

I love and hate the editing process. It sucks when you have to do it and it's great to actually read through what you have written. ...

I don't mind.

I do my own editing (three different ways.) I photograph my own covers. I order and sell my books. I don't mind the work that goes...


I could have stayed in bed all day.

A simple conversation

I am thankful for the conversation. And the Full Moon. And the results of it. <3

Good night

I spent the evening with some of my favorite people. I enjoyed it.


Sometimes the writing becomes painful. Not from writing but what is being written. The subject matter can hurt mentally and destroy a...


I am sick to death of the bullshit that was left in the wake of that asshole. I was the victim, I was the one cheated on, and I was the...


No matter who it is, when you lose a family member it sucks. No matter how close you were or were not, you were close to someone who was...


I swear sometimes writing is like breathing and other times it's like choking. One is easy and the other is hard but both happen.

Book sales

The book sales are going good for Behind the Fireplace. I do love the book. I can't wait to release the next installment in Alexander...

This is Halloween!!

Ok, so it's not a traditional Halloween story but it's still kind of a haunting. Behind the Fireplace is out and up for sale. Please...


I had everything set up and one model showed up and the other didn't. We waited but after 20 minutes, I had to call in a replacement. ...

It's broken.

I lifted the hammer and swung. I hit it hard. it didn't break. I repeated but put more muscle into it. and again it didn't break. ...

Friday the 13th.

So many people are superstitious and yet I never have been. ever.

Busy, busy, busy...

I find myself busy with work, books, photography, and life. I forget about the little things but they always find their way into my mind.

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